Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Start The Day Right!

Start your day the right way!
 Breakfast is a very important meal. As it's name implies you are breaking the fast of night. In my opinion it is also the easiest meal to eat whole food, plant-based. I start my day by drinking a glass of water with a slice of lemon. When I finish my water I prepare a bowl of oatmeal with almond milk. To liven the oatmeal up I sometimes add a tablespoon of pure maple syrup or some fresh blueberries. This meal really sustains me through my morning activities which usually include my teaching morning classes at my gym and a workout. 

In addition to oatmeal I have a few other things that I like to eat. When I feel that I am in a rush I   grab a bowl of Rip's Big Bowl and throw in some raisins. When I am at the firehouse instead of grabbing a bagel I usually have Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin bread and toast up a few slices with some fruit. On weekends when I am off from work my wife makes pancakes. She substitutes eggs with flaxseed and water. My family really enjoys it. It goes without saying that if your morning ritual starts with sound nutrition you will begin the day properly fueled to take on life's daily challenges.  If you are going to make a dietary change I recommend starting with this meal. The options I have listed are simple and easier and only require that you plan ahead and have them on hand. Also remember oatmeal isn't just for breakfast. If you are stuck for a quick meal whip up a bowl and enjoy!

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