Tommy Taking On The Vermont Beast 2013! |
As parents we try to encourage our children to reach their potential and be the best they can. Many times the advice we give them is in the form of verbal communication. Statements such as "do your best" and "work hard" are probably pretty common in most households. However, telling them to do these things without showing them does nothing to help them develop the necessary skills to achieve what we ask. If I tell my children that the key to success is to work hard and then proceed to lay on the couch all day I have done nothing but confuse them. Our children learn by observing our actions and these lessons can be invaluable. If they get the chance to observe my working hard it can prove to be more effective. Don't simply do what I say but do as I do!
This brings me back to the picture of Tommy suffering. Tommy's children were with him at the Beast. They were his cheerleaders. More importantly they got a chance to watch their father take on an enormous physical and mental challenge. They were able to watch their father be vulnerable and witness a very human side of him. Possibly a side they never saw before. On that day they saw him at his best and worst. The images of their father facing a challenge and overcoming it will remain with them. He didn't have to say a word but through his actions he was able to teach them valuable lessons that day which will stay with them for the rest of their lives. At some point in the future they will be faced with obstacles of their own and perhaps in their subconscious mind they can draw inspiration from the actions of their father that day. Remembering how he didn't quit but found the strength to continue. Possibly the next time he tells them to do their best or work hard it will take on a different meaning. Some of the greatest lessons we will teach our children will never require a single word to be be spoken. It will be taught through our daily actions and it is these actions that will speak louder than words!!
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