Sunday, December 2, 2012

Results From Our First 60 Day Challenge

Friday marked the end of our first sixty-day challenge at MBG S.I.N.Y. Five members attempted to eat whole-food, plant-based for sixty days. Prior to starting the participants were required to read up on what this diet entailed and have a strategy in terms of meal preparation. The week before the challenge began they also received a power point presentation at the gym and received some additional resources. These people were chosen because they all showed prior interest, train consistently, and exhibited a high level of motivation and interest. The participants were Jimmy and Andrea V., Michele and Brian F., and Kerri K. We took basic measurements at the start and conclusion that included weight, body fat% and body mass index. I want to stress that the goal of this diet is not weight loss but rather to improve the quality of you’re nutritional intake thereby improving your health. When you eat this way you wind up consuming a greater variety of food, which translates into a wider variety of nutrients. The participants were all amazed at how easy it was to adapt to their new way of eating. They quickly realized that they were also cooking more than ever before. At the end of the sixty days they all felt better, had more energy, reduced their body fat, lowered their body mass index, and ultimately lost weight. Kerri went out after the sixty days and had one of her favorite meals prior to eating this way, pepperoni pizza! She told me she had a headache and felt bloated after the meal. It reaffirmed to her the importance of the changes she made. She was able to notice this difference because of the way she had been eating the last sixty days. The reality is that her body always reacted this way but she was unable to feel it. Jimmy V had recently gone for his blood work at the end of August. He went after one month on the diet and had dramatic improvements. His total cholesterol went from 240 to 180!! His doctor was lost for words and was asking Jimmy a barrage of questions on how he did it. Jimmy’s sister also was following the diet and received similar results. An interesting side note is that Jimmy’s doctor had it in his notes to recommend medication for Jimmy’s cholesterol on his next visit if numbers didn’t improve. Why were they all successful? They educated themselves. They were ready for change and committed to it without excuses in hand. They all also said that they would continue with this way of eating. As the months progress their bodies and health will continue to improve right in front of your eyes. Andrea, Jimmy, Kerry, Michelle, Bryan a job well done!

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